Single Word Search

The Single Word Search is an interesting option to prevent zero hits searches or bad search results with longtail requests. In that case FACT-Finder offers a few suggestions to your customer:

Single Word Search only works for the actual shop, its effect is not visible in the DemoShop. Please consider the screenshot as an example of use.

You can customise the single word search through several options:

You decide whether the Single Word Search should be active below a certain similarity value or only with zero hit searches. For zero hit searches set the Similarity threshold (1) to 0%.

Because the Single Word Search finds results for each single word/search term – in case of a multi term search – you can also decide how many single words should be checked (2) and how many words with their results are returned (3). Don’t set the maximum number of words too high because every additional search will cost time.

FACT-Finder can display products as previews for each word. You can freely determine the number of preview products (4).