ASO Configuration

You can define the fields in which FACT-Finder counts sales (1), clicks (2) and additions to the shopping cart (3)

ASO also needs the duration of the Analysis period (4) to extract the data from their logs.

Initial Devaluation (5) influences the behaviour of the automatic search optimization in the following ways: by default the ASO increases the value, for a bonus on frequently clicked, added and bought items. Depending on search results this bonus can be smaller or larger. With Initial Devaluation you can leave a kind of downwards corridor, so FACT-Finder can devalue products without tracking events.

Weight (6) determines the impact of the different events.

By default FACT-Finder counts a shopping cart addition with ten times the value of a simple click and a checkout with twenty times the value. This can lead to distortions in small shops with low sales.It could be advisable to e.g. only work with factors of 5 and 10.
If sales data is sent to FACT-Finder via Tracking, the Import also shows the total number of sales, should that not be visible in the export.