Product Detail Page

Click a product image in the Diagnostic Search to reach its detail page.

This provides information on the product or record from the search database. Below the product view are a number of captions that can be used to show or hide given areas.


This area shows all of the data the FACT-Finder stores in the Search database for this product. The table allows you to view and check the field values.


In this area FACT-Finder shows the ranking rules, based on which the product was reduced in value, as well as their sum.


The recommended products are taken from the Recommendation Engine Module and consist of products which are either purchased frequently along with the main product on the details page or which are a good match for this product, taking into account the category relation or another relation defined by you.

Below the products, FACT-Finder displays the percentile evaluation for the product relationship (top) and the category or other relations (below). Use the arrow buttons to specifically enhance or decrease the value of a relation. With relations beyond the direct product relation, your choice has a global effect. It is represented in the matrix.

Similar Articles

Similar products are products that have similar or identical properties. 

The matching of field content is based on the fields (such as categories) configured in FACT-Finder. If you view the similar articles, then you can see a dropdown menu titled Details. Here you can find out how FACT-Finder determines the similar articles. Adjustments to this can be found in the Recommendations configuration.

Here you can examine how FACT-Finder determines the similar articles. Adjustments to this are found in the Recommendation Engine configuration.

Product campaigns

See whether the product is part of a Product Campaign.


The SEO Enhancer module allows FACT-Finder to return keywords for the products. These words are compiled from user inputs, indicating that they were instrumental for the user in finding the product.

Keywords can be used for purposes such as Google AdWords campaigns or can be included in product details pages in order to increase product ranking in the case of typos when users search in search engines.

The keywords are generated automatically by the module Automated Search Optimization (ASO). In addition to this automated generation process, you can also make manual changes to the keywords by adding or removing terms.