Analysing Search Results

Use Diagnostic Search to configure your search and better understand your search results.

For a more convenient assessment a coloured bar signalizes the result quality. The greener the better. This way you can easily determine if there is a larger “gap” between two hits. This gaps usually signify that the term could not be found as precisely any more or that there are first significant deviations between multiple words.

Each time you make a change, the results displayed change so that you can verify the effect of your modifications on a given search result directly. Through the selection how many hits should be displayed on the page (above the search result) you can quickly view large amounts of results.

In E-Commerce, the first 50-100 hits are the most relevant, so a value of 50 is advisable, if you also wish to see if a certain product was found under the first 50 hits.

Show Search Result Details

Click the question mark icon to display details, why this specific product was found:

This information includes Terms found (which terms were identified), Found in (which field) as well as a short analysis of the similarity:

If no unique field can be determined, because the term occurs multiple times, then Found in contains the value Multiple fields. If the FACT-Finder similarity rating for the product is affected by the search configuration the influencing factors are displayed here. The Ranking always has a negative impact on the similarity rating, while all settings like Thesaurus or Preprocessor have a positive impact.

Language Configuration via Results

To make an adjustment to the language configuration (Thesaurus, Preprocessor, Stop words) or to create a new ranking rule based on the found term, click on the small “plus” icon besides Terms found.

For this you have to be in configuration mode.

If you select Thesaurus, FACT-Finder expects a Synonym:

You can change this by choosing a different relationship, such as antonym, which will prevent future appearance of matches containing this search term. If you choose ranking rules, then FACT-Finder will formulate a rule based on the categorisation.

Please remember that ranking rules work globally, they are not intended for the selective optimisation of specific search terms.