Adding Product Campaigns

Learn how to create a product campaign.

1. Add a new Product Campaign and choose its Name, Timeframe and Trigger

The first two steps of creating a product campaign are the same as those for other types. Also see: Adding Campaigns

Zum nächsten Schritt gelangen Sie jeweils mit einem Klick auf "Weiter" unten rechts.

2. Define a Trigger

Product campaign criteria are different from those of other campaigns. If you want to learn more: Triggers for Product Campaigns - How do they work?

3. Push Products

In this step, choose the products to be highlighted with the campaign. For more information, refer to: Using Campaigns to push Products

4. Check the Campaign in Overview

The last step is reviewing your settings in the campaign overview. To change them, click the respective links.

On this screen you can also decide, wether or not to release the campaign imemdiately (1). If the box is unchecked, the campaign won't be released immediately.

5. Click Create Campaign


Click Create Camapaign. The new advisor campaign will now be listed with all existing campaigns. If you chose the option, the campaign will also go live.

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