Campaigns in the Management Interface

FACT-Finder Management Interface offers a dedicated section for the creation and customisation of campaigns.

Learn how to navigate to the section and use critical UI elements.

The Campaigns Menu

Find the Campaigns section in the menu bar.

An overview of all currently existing campaigns. Here you can clone, edit and add campaigns. Important: use this page to search for campaigns or filter them by category.

For ease of use, the campaign manager limits the number of displayed campaigns to 10 by default. On the bottom right-hand side, this setting can be changed by increments of 10. For quickly finding specific campaigns, use the search bar at the top.

A green dot shows the campaign is active. If the campaign is not currently active due to timing (hasn't started yet, has finished), the dot turns yellow. A red dot signifies an inactive or unreleased campaign. The release status can be set when creating a campaign or by clicking the coloured dot.

The icons on the right-hand side allow for cloning (to use in other channels) , deleting and editing campaigns. If you want to work on multiple campaigns at once, select them via the checkbox on the left.

After entering edit mode, this button launches the FACT-Finder campaign assistant which guides you step by step through creating a new campaign. Learn more in the next step.

Inherited Trait

Campains are heritable, for further information, see Channel Hierarchies.