Triggers for Product Campaigns - How do they work?

Product campaigns have their own set of triggers, different from the other campaign types.

Product campaigns only hav the criteria "ArticleNumber" and "Field".

Product detail page criteria

  • ArticleNumber: The campaign triggers when the shop displays the detail view of an item with a matching number.
  • Field: The campaign triggers, if the displayed product contains the preset field value. This has to be a field value saved in FACT-Finder.
You can use the Field criterion to easily add a whole product category to a campaign. This is similar to manual recommendations. You can also add additional criterai, linking them with "AND" or "OR". THat way, you can add one kind of tie to al blue shirts and a different one to all white shirts.

Criteria in the Shopping Cart

  • ArticleNumber: The campaign triggers when a product with a matching number is put into the cart. If you have multiple criteria, linking them with AND means all of the products must be in the cart at the same time. Use OR and one matching product is enough.
  • Field: The campaign triggers when a product with matching field value is put into the cart. If you have multiple criteria, linking them with AND means all of the products must be in the cart at the same time. Use OR and one matching product is enough.

Criteria on a Landing Page

You need a so-called pageID to implenment a campaign on any landing page, e.g. on the starting page, category list and so on. The pageID has to be sent by the shop, so FACT-Finder can see what page is being viewed. This criterion has only two modes: pageID is equal, or pageID is not equal. This means you can add the campaign to either any one page, or all pages but one.

It's advisable, to plan landing page campaigns beforehand, because the FACT-Finder campaign doesn't make the shop hand over the pageID on its own. This handover has to be set up beforehand, before any landing page campaigns can be set up at all. Having FACT-Finder handling the pageIDs beforehand is not a problem. Without a corresponding campaign, they will simply be disregarded. It is a good idea to create an internal library of pageIDs, to make it easier to implement these campaigns.

For example:





Category Garden Sheds


Category Shrubbery


Category Flowers


Page Contents