Adding Redirect Campaigns

Redirect campaigns react to triggers like search words and send users to specific pages, like Contact, ToS, etc.

Learn how to set up a new redirect campaign and how to configure it correctly.

1. Add a new Redirect Campaign and choose its Name, Timeframe and Trigger

The first three steps of creating a new campaign are always identical, independant of campaign type. See: Adding Campaigns.

Click Next to progress.

This campaign will redirect to the contact form in reaction to the search term "contact".

a. Campaign details

b. Period and Timeframe

c. Campaign Trigger

2. Enter the Link to redirect to

Assign a name and enter the URL you wish to redirect to into the Destination field.

3. Click Next

4. Check the Campaign in Overview

The last step is reviewing your settings in the campaign overview. To change them, click the respective links.

On this screen you can also decide, wether or not to release the campaign imemdiately (1). If the box is not checked, the campaign will be created, but not go active.

5. Click Create Campaign

 Click Create Campaign. The new redirect campaign will now be listed with all existing campaigns. If you chose the option, the campaign will also go live.

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