Shopping basket and purchase information

The additional data for shopping basket and purchase information is identical. If multiple different products are to be passed, this can be done with a single or multiple requests. We recommend minimizing the amount of requests and sending multiple events with a single call.

It's not necessary to know if this action is caused by a search or not, this will be checked later in the analysis. As this tracking event does not contain any FACT-Finder specific data it can on principle be sent from shop code and does not need javascript.




essentialQuantity of product purchased. The figure is an integer.

Product price; in each instance, the unit price should be provided, even if a customer has purchased several units of the same product and/or placed them into the shopping cart. If you offer support for multiple currencies, the tracking information passed for a given channel must always be in the same currency. Otherwise, statistical reports will be incorrect.

It's recommended to send this parameter, as it adds more value to the search analysis.


optionalThis field has the campaign ID as its value. When interacting with this product you have to send this ID with the campaign parameter. This way it is possible to measure the influence of the campaign manager module.
When sending multiple products in the same checkout event, please make sure to include the sid value for each product.


The technical documentation of the REST-API is contained in the search application itself and can be accessed via [your NG server]/fact-finder/swagger-ui.html . It can be also accessed via the following URL:

The interface offers not only the parameter documentation, but also the option to test a query and review the result. The documentation was created with Swagger, you can use Swagger Codegen to generate a client for it and use it for your code.

Cart- and checkout-event documentation can be accessed via the cart and checkout methods in the tracking resource.