Tracking Interface Integration

Tracking information lets the FACT-Finder Search tool learn automatically from user behaviour.

The data provided through this interface can be used for a variety of purposes. These include the tracking of events such as users clicking on a detail page, placing a product into the shopping cart and purchasing it. The information can form the basis for automated search optimisation. It automatically improves the search result on the basis of established consumer behaviour.

Information about product clicks, shopping basket and purchase events, in other words the user behaviour, is required for the Personalization module, which provides tailored search results for each user.
The information on product purchases can also be used as a basis for the Recommendation Engine module. More information about that module can be found in the corresponding documentation.

The events you pass on to FACT-Finder depend on your needs and objectives. However, automated search optimisation requires the details shopping basket and buy events to be sent at the very least. The following events are supported:

  • Clicking on the product details page
  • Placing a product into the shopping basket
  • Purchasing a product
  • A user is logging into the shop
  • Clicking on a product suggested by the Recommendation Engine
  • User feedback for the search results
  • Shop Cachehit

Please note, that the personalization can only work if a proper session ID is sent with each search request. You can find more information on this in the Search Integration Documentation.