Click on the details page

You will need to send the following parameters in addition to the general parameters if you wish to pass product-click information:

queryessentialThe search term for which the user has searched. In the context of a navigation click, the full category path should be sent as the query value.
posessentialThe position of the product in the search results. The position is the absolute position. This means the first product on page 2 is number 11 if a search result page contains 10 products. The first product on page 1 is number 1.
pageessentialThe number of the search result page on which the selected product was displayed. The first page has the number 1.
pageSizeoptionalThe number of products per search result page at the time the click was executed.
campaignoptionalA product contains the field _FFCampaign_, if it reached the search result via a campaign. This field has the campaign ID as its value. When interacting with this product you have to send this ID with the campaign parameter. This way it is possible to measure the influence of the campaign manager module.


The technical documentation of the REST-API is contained in the search application itself and can be accessed via [your NG server]/fact-finder/swagger-ui.html . It can be also accessed via the following URL:

The interface offers not only the parameter documentation, but also the option to test a query and review the result. The documentation was created with Swagger, you can use Swagger Codegen to generate a client for it and use it for your code.

Product-click-event documentation can be accessed via the click method in the tracking resource.