Field Prioritization
This menu item gives options for defining weightings for individual fields. A list of all fields in the current FACT-Finder search database is shown in a table.
Click the check box Similarity Search (1) to determine whether the field contents should be searched during similarity search. An exception to this could be the article number field. Use the Exact search (2) check box and the pattern to the right (3) to define a search template that requires the content of this field to be matched exactly, rather than fuzzily.
Set the reduction value (4) of individual fields to specify how important individual fields are in relation to the others and the weighting that should be applied accordingly in the search algorithm.
Searching a high number of fields and a lot of content can have a negative impact on search speed. For that reason, you should set fields that do not contain important information for the search to non-searchable. The weighting of fields does not affect speed, just the quality of results.