Customizing Suggest Logic

The settings for the search logic can be found at Suggest → General. There you can configure, if FACT-Finder features for Search Optimization are also used for suggest search queries.

Via the options Thesaurus, Preprocessor and Stop words (1) you can carry over the settings for search logic to the suggestion search.

Please note: FACT-Finder can only recognise a term, once it is written completely. If you define "laptop" and "notebook" as synonyms, FACT-Finder won't know yet if "Lapto" will become "laptop" or "laptop bag". That's why the suggestion "notebook" will only be displayed once "laptop" has been entered fully.

The maximum database size (2) governs the total number of entries may in the suggest database.

This limit exists for reasons of performance. The larger the database, the longer the search takes. Since number and content of fields has an influence on database size, you should only import those fields you actually need.

Suggest and Geo

For Geo and Suggest to work together, the following settings must be made:

The mode of the search logic must be "Block response with products from product database". Furthermore, the suggest type productName must be configured.

Create a geo-field as follows: Add a new source field on the Suggest Import page.

In this example, we add the Department Stock field with the local stock levels to the Suggest type productName. By also selecting the field as Additional Return Data, the local stock levels are displayed as part of the Suggest result.

Suggest follows the same rules as Geo, i.e. it follows e.g. market selection and distance rules.