Selecting Suggestion types

Search logic mode (1)You can choose if you want the product suggestions to be created from the suggest database or from the product database.
Maximum number of suggestions (2)The value defines the maximum number of results the Suggest can output.
Add new type (3)
To create a type besides the default types, you can use (3) to create a type with freely selectable name. The data or field content is defined in the Suggest / Suggest import section (2 lines below the marked Suggest / General Settings section in the picture above)
Name (4)
Max.  number of suggestions (5)Set the maximum number of suggestions to be displayed for each type in Suggest. If you want to hide a type, set the number to 0.
Max. number of records in database (6)
Display preview images (7)If your product data contains thumbnails, you can enable or disable the display under (7).
Calculate exact number of results (8)
Ignore missing images (9)
Keep hit count from log (10)
Remove no match suggestions  (11)
Fallback Image URL (12)Enter a URL to an image that is to be used if no preview image is available for the suggested image.


Both the activation of the determination of exact hit numbers (8) and the preview images (7) is very computationally intensive during the suggest import process. That's why a suggest import with one of these features enabled should not be started at times where many users search for products in the shop!


FACT-Finder can manage different types of suggestions. These decide from which areas the suggestions are delivered during the time in which the user types the search term

Default types are:

  • productname
  • brand
  • category
  • searchTerm