Keeping, modifying, deleting and restoring inherited Settings

Learn how to include, customise, and exclude inherited settings in a child channel.
Before continuing, please read the chapter Relations between parent and child channels, to avoid making involuntary changes.

Passing on parent channel settings to child channels

Only child channels can inherit settings. To set a channel as "child", please refer to this article on creating new channels. All Multi-Channel compatible functions will inherit the parent channel's settings.

If you select a child channel in one of these functions, all of its settings will be tagged with special symbols.

Multi-Channel Symbols and their Meaning

These symbols are only used for and therefore only visible in child channels.

The Multi-Channel symbols appear in one of two constellations:

  • Above a list of settings: This allows you to filter the list for inherited, customised, new, or deleted settings.
  • Next to individual settings: This denotes the status of the setting (inherited, customised, deleted) and allows for customisation within the child channel.
SymbolDisplayed above SettingsDisplayed next to Settings

Show all settings inherited from parent channel.

Click: Hide all settings inherited from parent channel.

This setting was inherited from the parent channel.

Click: Customise setting in the child channel.

Show all settings customised for the child channel.

Click: Hide all settings customised for the child channel.

This setting was customised for the child channel.

Click: Reset setting to inherited version.

Show all settings deleted in the child channel.

Click: Hide all settings deleted in the child channel..

This setting was deleted in the child channel.

Click: Reset setting to inherited version.

Show all settings created for the child channel.

Click: Hide all settings created for the child channel.

This setting was newly created in the child channel.

Click: No effect.

Customising inherited Settings

Initially, all settings a child channel inherits are locked. Use the following steps to customise them::

  1. Enable editing for the child channel's configuration by selecting the channel in the top right-hand corner and cklicking Edit Configuration.
  2. Find the setting you wish to customise and make sure it is tagged with the symbol. If it isn't, the setting is not inherited, but has been modified before.
  3. Click the symbol. It should turn into a symbol. You can now make your customisations.

The customised setting is now exempt from inheritance. Any changes made to the parent channel will only carry over, if the setting is reset to the inherited version.

Deleting inherited Settings

This option is only available for functions, which allow the deletion of entries. For example in the settings for the Search algorithm, inherited settings can only be customised or reset, not deleted.

To delete an inherited setting for the currently active child channel, follow these steps:

  1. Enable editing for the child channel's configuration by selecting the channel in the top right-hand corner and cklicking Edit Configuration.
  2. Find the setting you wish to customise and make sure it is tagged with the symbol. If it isn't, the setting is not inherited, but has been modified before).
  3. Click the symbol on the right. The will change into a symbol and the setting in question will be struck out.

The customised setting is now exempt from inheritance. Any changes made to the parent channel will only carry over, if the setting is reset to the inherited version.

Resetting to an inherited Version

Any customised setting is now exempt from inheritance. Any changes made to the parent channel will only carry over, if the setting is reset to the inherited version:

  1. Enable editing for the child channel's configuration by selecting the channel in the top right-hand corner and cklicking Edit Configuration.
  2. Find the setting you wish to customise and make sure it is tagged with the  or symbol (otherwise it is an inherited setting).
  3. Clicken the  or  symbol, or alternatively, click  . After confirmation in the pop-up dialogue, the setting will be reset to the symbol.

The edited setting is now again inherited from the parent channel. Any changes made to the setting in the parent channel will carry over to the child channel.

Adding new Settings to a Child Channel

Some functions (e.g. Thesaurus, Preprocessor, Stop Words, etc.) allow you to add new settings for child channels. These are exempt from inheritance and tagged with a symbol. They can be edited and deleted normally and have no influence on the parent channel or other child channels.

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