Searching for "Trousers" returns a lot of Wardrobes. What's wrong?

Check the search result for “trousers” in FACT-Finder. Open the detailed information for the first wardrobe result that you see. Take a look at what is in “Words found”. Check where these words
appear in the record.

The wardrobe record probably has a description field containing a text such as “Space for trousers”. FACT-Finder finds the word “trousers” as a 100% match and prioritises this record over
the records that only contain “trouser”.

The solution to this problem is two-tiered:

  1. Create a thesaurus entry trousers -> trouser. 
  2. Most likely a similarity value reduction has not been applied to the field where FACT-Finder has mistakenly found the trousers, i.e. the description field. Define a value reduction for the corresponding field and then repeat the search. The record now has a lower similarity value. Repeat the process until the wardrobes drop so far down the results list that trousers appear at the top.

Do not attempt to completely remove the wardrobes from the search result entirely by reducing the value of the description field. Reducing the value of a field affects all search results. The
description field also contains information that is important for some search queries. Reducing its value would be detrimental to the quality of other search queries.