Analytics KPIs

FACT-Finder Analytics erlaubt es Ihnen, die Performance ihres Shops an Hand bestimmter Schlüsselkennzahlen, sogenannter Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) auszuwerten. Je nach Bereich werden unterschiedliche KPIs gezählt. Diese Seite listet alle verwendeten KPIs und bietet eine kurze Erklärung dieser, wo nötig.


SearchesNumber of initial searches in the online store. 
Search time ∅Average search time in the online store.
SalesTotal revenue from all tracking events submitted to FACT-Finder.
Sales from SearchesTotal revenue related to search, based on tracking events.
Sales/Searches ∅Average revenue per search. 
Filter usages
∅ filter depthAverage number of filters used when using filters.
Search filter usage ratesPercentage of search queries for which filters were used
Top search filter groupsAn overview of filter usage in relation to search queries. In this context, the filter groups in absolute numbers as well as with the relative share of the total number of filter selections are shown. 
Top search filter elementsAn overview of filter usage in relation to search queries. In this context, the specific filter elements are shown in absolute numbers as well as with the relative share of the total number of filter selections. 
Top navigation filter groupsAn overview of filter usage in relation to navigation queries. In this context, the filter groups are shown in absolute numbers as well as with the relative share of the total number of filter selections.
Top navigation filter elementsAn overview of filter usage in relation to navigation queries. In this context, the specific filter elements are shown in absolute numbers as well as with the relative share of the total number of filter selections.
Top-10 search terms last 8 days10 absolute most searched terms in the selected period
Top-10 search terms yesterday10 absolute most searched terms last whole day
Sales from searchesRevenue per day in the period related to search, based on tracking events (See Sales from searches).
Top-10 trending search terms last 8 days10 search terms that had a significant increase in queries (compared to previous time, regardless of the selected time period)
SearchesTotal number of searches by days in the selected period
Flop-10 search terms last 8 days10 search terms that had a significant decrease in queries (compared to previous time, regardless of the selected time period), counterpart to Top-10 trending
Search count per site numberHow many users have been on page 1, 2, 3, etc.?
Click count per site numberHow many clicks happened on which page number
Search count per word countOverview of the search term length by words
Ø loading time per word countSpeed of search by term length in words
Top [1000] search count longtailRelative share of the 1000 most frequent searches in total traffic
Top [1000] click longtailRelative share of clicks for the 1000 most frequent search terms in total traffic
Top [1000] checkout count longtailRelative share of shopping baskets for the 1000 most frequent search terms in total volume
Top [1000] sales longtailRelative share of purchases for the 1000 most frequent search terms in total volume

Search terms


Number of initial searches for unique search term
Clicks#Number of clicks for unique search term
ASN Clicks#Number of ASN-clicks for unique search term
Navi Clicks#Number of navigation clicks for unique search term
Unique Clicks#Number of unique clicks for unique search term. Multiple clicks from one user ID are only counted once
Carts#Number of cart events for unique search term
Checkouts#Number of checkouts for unique search term
Click rateclick to search rate for unique search term in per cent.
Click to cart ratecart to click rate for unique search term in per cent.
Cart ot checkoutcheckout to cart rate for unique search term in per cent .

Unique click rate

checkout to search rate for unique search term in per cent.
Clickt to buy ratecheckout to click rate for unique search term in per cent.

Sales from searches Total revenue from searches for a single term
Sales from searches per search Relative revenue per search for a single term
Sales from searches per click Relative revenue per click for a single term

∅ match count
∅ best similarityvalue key: 10.000≈100% match
∅  click position in search result


ASN Clicks#Number of ASN-clicks for specific product
Navi Clicks#Number of navigation for specific product
Unique Clicks#Number of unique clicks for specific product - multiple clicks fom one user are only counted as one.
Carts#Number of cart events for specific product
Checkouts#Number of checkouts for specific product
Click to cart ratePercentage of times the clicked product is added to cart.
Checkout to cart ratePercentage of times the product in the cart is then checked out.
Sales Revenue resulting from search queries in the online store for a specific product.
Sales per click Revenue generated for a specific product from search queries in the online store per number of clicks.


Unique Searches#Number of unique searches that trigger a particular campaign.
Clicks#Number of clicks on a particular campaign.
Unique Clicks#Number of unique clicks on a given campaign.
Carts#Number of shopping carts through a given campaign.
Checkouts#Number of purchases through a given campaign.
Ø Pushed productsAverage number of pushed products highlighted by a given campaign.

Click to searchNumber of clicks per number of searches for a given campaign as a percentage.
Unique Click RateRepresents ratio of unique clicks on products by triggering a particular campaign to the number of total searches on that particular trigger, where each user is considered only once, regardless of how many times they click on a link.
Bounce RatePercentage of visitors who triggered only one search query in the store, this campaign was played out and then left again
Exit-RatePercentage of sessions that did not interact further with the store after this campaign but left it
Cart to click rateNumber of shopping carts per number of clicks for a given campaign as a percentage.
Checkout to click rateNumber of purchases per number of clicks for a given campaign as a percentage.
Checkout per search rateNumber of purchases per number of searches for a given campaignf as a percentage.
Checkout to cart rateNumber of purchases per number of shopping carts for a given campaign as a percentage.

Sales per searchRevenue resulting from a specific campaign in the online store per search queries.
Sales per clickRevenue resulting from a specific campaign from search queries in the online store per number of clicks.
Ø cart valueAverage shopping cart value generated by a specific campaign.
SalesRevenue that results from a particular campaign.