Basic Campaign Structure

All campaigns have a campaign ID, a name, a category and a type. The ID is allocated automatically by FACT-Finder. It can be changed if campaigns are added or deleted. The name, the category and type of the campaign are chosen by the user when the campaign is created.

The following response example for XMl and JSON are describing the search result response. When returning product campaigns there’s an additional productCampaigns-tag sourrounding the campaigns-tag at XML and for JSON the content of campaigns is returned directly. Both can also be recognized based on the schema definitions. The location of the XSD file is included in the answer, the JSON schema definitions can be found under:


The search application contains the technical documentation for the REST-Interfaceand can be accessed via this URL:

Methods are documented under records. In addition to viewing the parameter documentation, you can also test a query and view the results. The documentation was created with Swagger, so you can use Swagger Codegen to generate a client to use in your code.

Please use the campaign method to retrieve campaigns.