Additional Release Notes 7.2

Version – ( - )


Campaign Manager


  • In the InstoreAd configuration there is now a new setting for specifying which campaign mode the InstoreAds products should use. The setting is set via campaignMode and can have the values CAMPAIGN, CAMPAIGN_REMOVED_FROM_SEARCHRESULT, MERGE, SEARCHRESULT, with MERGE as default.
  • It is now possible to remove the  limit for the number of InstoreAds products that are played. For this purpose, the maxPushedProducts option must be set to 0.

Recommendation Engine


The feature "Similar Products" now uses an exact search for fields that do not contain multiple values or are category paths. Limitations by the maxResultCount are also ignored to prevent empty intersections due to missing articles in individual filter searches with large numbers of hits.



The Deployment-API ../Deployment.ff is available again, it was initially removed alongside some features of the old interface.

Version ( - )




Exceptions that occur during update, insert or delete with methods of the `UpdateDeleteInsert` are now combined and thrown as  RecordsException after the end of the process. If only one exception occurs, it is thrown instead.

New Features

Campaign Manager

A new campaign trigger has been introduced that allows you to react to the presence of a specific article in the search result. 


The campaign trigger searches the search result for a specified import ID. Consideration is given to the first 1000 results found that do not have more than 10% less Similarity than the best product found. If this trigger is used, small performance losses can be expected because the search result has to be searched once. However, all triggers are processed at the same time, which is why the number of campaigns does not play a major role

Campaign Manager

It is now possible to generate an Excel export of all campaigns of a channel on the campaign page. 




Added a new interface ICustomUpdateHandler :

interface ICustomUpdateHandler {
	void setConf(final ConfigurationBase conf);
	void setPlaceholderResolver(IPlaceholderResolver placeholderResolver);
	void beforeUpdate();
	void startRecordUpdate(Set, ImportRecord);
	void endRecordUpdate(Set, ImportRecord);
	void afterUpdate(final boolean save);
	void cleanup();

This interface is used when the update delete insert interface is called. The initialization methods correspond to the methods from ICustomImportHandler. In this way, the same class can implement both interfaces  (ICustomImportHandler and ICustomUpdateHandler), that share the implementations for setConf() and setPlaceholderResolver(). In this way, the conversion routines can also be reused. There is only one crucial difference: the startRecordUpdate() and endRecordUpdate() get the names of the fields that have been updated. In this way, the update handler can restrict its conversions to these fields. However, the complete data record is still written back to the database. This means that if the updated fields affect values in other fields (which have not been updated), they can still be set. They are written back to the database.  Classes that only implement ICustomUpdateHandler cannot currently be reported to FACT-Finder. ICustomUpdateHandler is to be implemented by the classes implementing ICustomImportHandler. These classes should be listed as import handlers in the The Update Delete Insert interface still uses the complete list of import handlers. If the import handler implements the interface ICustomUpdateHandler, only the methods of ICustomUpdateHandler are called. If the handler does not do this, only the ICustomImportHandler methods listed above are called.



Logfile rollover for all existing current logfiles is now automatically triggered every day at shortly after 0 o' clock.



Loading spinners have been built into the analytical tables and charts. For example, the user should be able to see whether a report still loads data or whether the report is incomplete/erroneous.

Analytics 7.0,7.1,7.2,7.3: An error was also fixed that could lead to NullPointerExceptions when loading an existing report, preventing the report from being loaded completely and causing error messages in the UI. 

Campaign Manager

The description text on the campaign overview has been supplemented with a paragraph for the product campaigns.  

Recommendation Engine


After changes to the recommendation configuration that required a new import, no recommendations were delivered. Due to appropriate adjustments, recommendations can now be queried even in the case of an outstanding import, but these are considered obsolete until the import is executed.

Recommendation Engine


Changes to the configuration and database files of the recommendation engine are now recognized by FACT-Finder and are reflected in the recommendations played out. The files are monitored by the timeout manager. The changes are not immediately noticed, but depend on the timeout time of the timeout manager. Note that a new recommendation instance is created when the database files are reloaded. The timeout of the timeout manager should not be too short, so that the caching of the recommendation engine can become effective.

Instore Ads


InstoreAds-Reporting now transfers the number of clicks on InstoreAds products, the number of associated shopping carts and the number of products sold.

Instore Ads


A NPE in the MergePushedProductsSearchCallback was fixed.

Version ( - )


Web Components


FACT-Finder für Web Components Security konfigurieren:

  1. In pagepermissionmanagement.xml, all modules that the customer uses via the web components must be exempted from the standard username, timestamp, password authentication. This is achieved by defining the corresponding API as an include tag in the pagePermission tag:
    <pagePermission channels="test" group="DefaultGroup">

    In the example above, the Search.ff and Suggest.ff API have been exempted from the standard authentication for the channel test.


  2. The two APIs which have been freed from authentication cannot be "abused" and anyone who knows the URL of FACT-Finder can make queries. 
    The next step in the is to activate the Web Components Security:

  3.     Next, the two APIs to be secured up by Web Components Security are specified as follows:

    webComponentsSecuredPaths=Search.ff, Suggest.ff

    The property webComponentsSecuredPaths controls which API should be secured by the Web Components Security. Individual APIs must be separated by commas. This means that it is no longer possible to "abuse" the specified API if the request does not comply with the security guidelines. Since the Web components know what they look like, they can communicate with the API. However, please note that it is not possible to configure the webComponentsSecuredPaths per channel, but only globally. It is therefore not planned that the customer uses two channels with Web Components in a FACT-Finder and activates different APIs. In pagepermissionmanagement.xml this can be configured, but not in the

  4. Since the Web Components request FACT-Finder via an XHR request, but FACT-Finder is in most cases not operated on the same server as the shop, you must configure CORS accordingly. The configuration in the looks like this:


    With this configuration, FACT-Finder sets the HTTP Response Header Access-Control-Allow-Headers to the configured value and the XHR Request can be executed. In case the customer also connects his test shop to FACT-Finder, several URLs can be specified (separarted by a comma). It is also possible to omit this entry, then FACT-Finder sets Access-Control-Allow-Headers by default to *, which we do not recommend, however, as each domain can perform XHR requests.

  5. Since a potential attacker can easily read out the response headers, the orign is again veiled by the Web components in the request. Web Components Security checks this value, but does not set a corresponding response header. The configuration in the looks like this:


    In most cases, the same entries will appear here as under 4. Exceptions are the cases where you use * as wildcard or do not make the entry from 4. at all. Several URLs can be specified comma separated as usual. It is also possible to enter * as wildcard, but only one value is allowed, namely *.

  6. To allow Web Components requests to be analyzed, a logging was built in, which can be activated if necessary. The setting in the looks like this:


    If logging is activated, the Web components requests are sent to:


New Features

Product Comparison


Using the ProductCompareCallback interface, it is now possible to intervene in the product comparison process. As in the other callbacks, there is a default implementation DefaultProductCompareCallback, which overwrites all methods without performing an action. If only one or a few methods have to be overwritten, you should extend the DefaultProductCompareCallback instead of implementing the interface. Using the it is possible to configure your own implementation of the ProductCompareCallback using the productCompareCallback. implementation key. It is not possible to configure multiple callbacks, as is the case with the search.


After Search Navigation (ASN)


The validation of cluster facets has been adapted to allow for a non-cluster parent facet per cluster.

Installation Wizard / Migrator


Campaigns that use a search field as criteria can now also be removed in the installer if the field referenced in the campaign no longer exists. The installer will now remove not only facets that no longer refer to non-existent fields, but will also ensure that the remaining facets do not have any dependencies on facets that were removed during the installer process. The corresponding references are deleted. Fixed a bug that prevented the display of ranking rules when the user used an unsupported time zone



Analytics now also starts with invalid job databases. If an error occurs, the job directory is emptied.

UI: Management Interface


The drag and drop behavior of the ranking rules has been fixed..

Version ( - )


After Search Navigation (ASN)


An error has been fixed, which in some cases did not show all facets.

UI: Search

Previously, only one question tree was displayed in the demo search for an advisor campaign. This has now been adjusted so that all question trees of the campaign are displayed. This was necessary because several initial questions could be configured for advisor campaigns.  

UI: Search


Fixed an error that caused a validation error to occur in the interface if no label for the sorting option "ascending by relevance" was specified. 

Version ( - )


Recommendation Engine


When configuring a field for the feature "Similar products", it is now possible to define how the search results behave when there are multiple hits in a multivalue field. The setting is specified via the assignmentOperator attribute and can have the values or (OR operation) or and (AND operation). Default value is and.

<similarArticleAttributeField assignmentOperator="or">true</similarArticleAttributeField>

In addition, the logic now uses an exact search for fields that do not contain multiple values or are category paths.

Configuration Editor


Multi-attribute and category path fields are now displayed on the field weighting page if they are marked as searchable. This allows you to remove the searchability via the interface. 


After Search Navigation (ASN)


Slider facets that should be displayed due to implicitly selected parent facets are now displayed. 



Caching search results that contain campaigns with Pushed products with FieldSettings now works more reliably. 



If a time zone was configured outside the FF-UI known time zones, pages with time stamps were not displayed correctly. Now GMT is used as a fallback  for display.. 



When importing data, only cached What's Hot results are used instead of generating a new report. If no finished report exists, no ASO data is imported. 



Fixed isolated deserialization problems of analytics jobs and job caches in FF due to immutablelists.  



The log file analysis now handles masked square brackets within square brackets, e. g. [\[DIN 3120, DIN 7434\]]



The percentage click-through rate display in What's Hot Report (PDF) is now displayed correctly.



If several tracking events are tracked in a single request, it is now sufficient to send the parameters userId, masterId and cookieId only once. These parameters are then transferred to all other events. 

Campaign Manager


In the campaign wizard, an error was fixed for advisor campaigns that caused some changes made using drag & drop in the question and answer tree to be reset after exiting the wizard step. For example, if one question at the top level of a question was put in front of another, the structure seemed to be correctly adapted. After clicking on "continue", however, the overview showed that the structure had not changed. The structure is now changing as expected. An error was also fixed that caused validation errors to be displayed on the wrong questions or answers, or not at all.

Campaign Manager


Fixed a bug that could confuse the delete dialog when creating a consultant campaign in case of multiple empty answers/questions, resulting in validation errors. 



Personalized pushed products with blank result no longer cause NPEs. 

Installation Wizard / Migrator


URL prefixes for tar. gz and tar. bz2 archive are now set correctly by the installer, so downloading such archives will work as an installer step. 

UI: Search


Search optimization via the "Found terms"options now ensures that the diagnostic result is updated. 

Configuration Editor


Smaller UI fixes for the field roles in the index fields. 



Attribute fields are now checked before other (virtual) fields when checking campaign triggers. This means that criteria also work for dynamically generated attribute facets in search result matching.

Version 7.2.0-10-SNAPSHOT ( - )


Campaign Manager


The default link for criteria for campaigns and RankingRules has been changed from "And" to "Or".



Custom Classes is now able to activate the wordwise mode for the search. This can be done using the new setWordwiseSearch (boolean wordwiseSearch) method in the ConfigurationBase. The default value is false. From the outside, for example via the, it is not possible to configure this value so far. 

Custom Classes ist es nun möglich für die Suche den wordwise-Modus zu aktivieren. Dies kann über die neue Methode setWordwiseSearch(boolean wordwiseSearch) in der ConfigurationBase gemacht werden. Der Defaultwert ist false. Von außen, beispielsweise über die, ist eine Konfiguration dieses Wertes bisher nicht möglich. 

Neue Features



 As of 7.2, it is now possible to specify the number of OpenMP threads to be used exclusively for this search (depending on the configured value) when using Table. 


Automatic Search Optimisation (ASO)


When calculating the ASO influence in the diagnostic search, shifts in the similarities of all products by a constant factor are not taken into account. This means that the displayed ASO influence is now never negative. If the ASO target field of a product contains a positive entry for the current search query, the displayed ASO influence is always unequal to 0.  



An NPE that occurred in the presence of a shoppingcart. log. gz file was removed. 



Special characters and control chars that are invalid in XML representations will now be removed when tracking log-files are parsed. 



An error was fixed where Analytics tried to write NULL values to the database if NULL was set for the corresponding value in the tracking logs. Instead, an empty string is now written to the corresponding field.

Recommendation Engine


The applyFieldRoles method of the demo shop is given recoProductNumber as an additional field role. If the Reco is deactivated or the matchOnField is not set, this field role is missing in the mapping. 

Campaign Manager


Adding multiple answers to a question without editing it beforehand could cause some answers to be lost when saving. This has been fixed. 

Campaign Manager


After a timeout, the diagnostic search returns all results found so far. 

UI: Management Interface


If a permanent campaign is exported, the end date in the Excel document is set to "-". 

UI: Management Interface


Since there are no reference products in the context of a landing page product campaign, RecommendationsPushedProducts (Upselling, Crossing, Most Popular) make no sense and give only empty results. Therefore, these PushedProducts types are no longer available under these conditions. 



New deployments without existing channels no longer cause 500 errors after login. 

Version 7.2.0-15 ( - )


After Search Navigation (ASN)


The grouping of long attributes in the ASN now works more reliably. 



Added a new Interface ICustomUpdateHandler:

interface ICustomUpdateHandler {
    void setConf(final ConfigurationBase conf);
    void setPlaceholderResolver(IPlaceholderResolver placeholderResolver);
    void beforeUpdate();
    void startRecordUpdate(Set, ImportRecord);
    void endRecordUpdate(Set, ImportRecord);
    void afterUpdate(final boolean save);
    void cleanup();

This interface is used when the update delete insert interface is called. The initialization methods correspond to the methods from ICustomImportHandler. In this way, the same class can implement both interfaces (ICustomImportHandler and ICustomUpdateHandler) that share the implementations for setConf () and setPlaceholderResolver (). In this way, the conversion routines can also be reused. There is only one crucial difference: the startRecordUpdate () and endRecordUpdate () methods get the names of the fields that have been updated. In this way, the update handler can restrict its conversions to these fields. However, the complete data record is still written back to the database. This means that if the updated fields affect values in other fields (which have not been updated), they can still be set. They are written back to the database.

Classes that only implement ICustomUpdateHandlers cannot currently be reported to FACT-Finder. ICustomUpdateHandler is to be implemented by the classes implementing ICustomImportHandler. These classes should be listed as import handlers in the

The Update Delete Insert interface still uses the complete list of import handlers. If the import handler implements the interface ICustomUpdateHandler, only the methods of ICustomUpdateHandler are called. If the handler does not do this, only the ICustomImportHandler methods listed above are called. 



An NPE related to multi-attribute ranking rules has been fixed. 

Campaign Manager


Filtering can now be applied to the products that reach the search results via advisor campaigns, just like to other products. 

Recommendation Engine


The recommender now ignores products with a weight of 0 when importing and is therefore more robust against invalid product IDs. 

UI: Management Interface

Fixed an error that prevented page switching within the UI when a change was made that referenced the same page.  

UI: Search (Demoshop)

The demo shop now contains the possibility to jump directly to the diagnosis search via a button. The search parameters are retained.

UI: Search (Demoshop)


The authorizations have been adjusted so that a user with the role SearchInterfaceUser can access the Demoshop. 

Configuration Editor


The Sequence View of the Facet Editor can now be used when multiple clustered facets are directly dependent on each other. 

Diagnostic Search (Adminmode)

Fixed a bug that prevented the deselecting of facets in the diagnostic search if the FacetId did not match the field name.  An error in the category Filter duplicated diagnostic search was fixed. 

Diagnostic Search (Adminmode)


The diagnostic search now also displays SearchManager permissions results. 

Version ( - )




The optional prioritization of suggest types now has an influence on the final sorting of the suggest results. 

UI: Management Interface


The advertising URL can now be changed freely, but in any case no UI error message is displayed. 

Data Quality (DQ)

7.2 An application setting has been added for the module "Attribute Generator", with which it is possible to set whether data records, for which no cache entry is found during the import process, should be sent to the DQ server so that an attributeing is carried out for this, possibly again. By default, this setting is deactivated. Please note that the attribute assignment may take a long time and this setting can prolong the import process. 


The DQ attributeization process has been adapted. Previously, the next workflow or record was continued directly if fetching the attributes from the DQ server failed because the server was offline. Now there are a maximum of 20 further attempts to reach the server and fetch the attributes for a request. There is a 5 second wait between each attempt. If the DQ server does not respond after the 20th attempt, it is considered offline.  In the case of a cache update, the process is then terminated. If the server was requested because an import is currently taking place, there are no attributes in the cache for a product, and the option is active that in this case the DQ server is to be queried, then the DQ server is no longer queried for the remaining running import. If the request to the DQ server fails due to an error and not because the server is offline, the retry function will not be active. 7.2 The setting can be set in the via the key dqServicesConf. updateAttributesOnCacheMiss and with the values true for active or false for inactive. Default is false


Search behaviour


There has been a bug in search result handling of slow (timed out) search results. The bug resulted in always having 0 hits for timed out search results, even when FACT-Finder did find some records before the timeout. The bug was introduced in FACT-Finder 7.1 and is now fixed. If FACT-Finder finds any records before the timeout, it will return those records.

After Search Navigation (ASN)


A numeric attribute facet configured as a slider now correctly overwrites the multi attribute facet selection type. 



Fixed a problem where the Suggest import could not read data from the search database for certain locals. 



Fixed a problem that could cause errors when importing category path and multiattribute fields into languages with non-Latin characters. 



Analytics now dynamically limits the number of jobs made available based on memory utilization to counteract errors caused by a massive garbage collection. Furthermore, the WhatsHotQuartzJob will no longer abort the complete analysis if a single ProductEventJob fails.. 


An error in the transfer of the filtered analysis period has caused the last day of the selected period to be ignored. This was particularly evident when filtering for a single tag, where there were no values. Now the last day is included.



Feedback events are now presented in the What's Hot Report. 



The default font for What's Hot Reports can be found on case-sensitive file systems. 


The KPIs BounceRate and ExitRate can now be disabled in the configuration to speed up analysis. In this case, a query of these KPIs always results in a result of 0.


Two very time-consuming KPIs were identified, which strongly influence the duration of the analysis. These are the BounceRate and ExitRate. These can now be deactivated via the parameter ffa.job. analyzeBounceAndExitRate=false in the application. properties. By default, the two KPIs are activated for analyses

Campaign Manager

Fixed the display of long names of campaigns and manual recommendations. 

Campaign Manager


Substring filters are now also applied correctly in the UI. 

Recommendation Engine


The recommender-setting matchOn for product identification has been removed. This task is now covered exclusively by the field with the role trackingProductNumber. When migrating to FF 6.11, the trackingProductNumber field is set accordingly. 

UI: Management Interface


Virtual fields without names no longer prevent the use of the listing page. 



Error messages on the deployment page are now displayed legibly again. The deployment page now only allows you to deploy the resources of a module if the module is activated. 



Improved the error message if multiple facets in a cluster do not depend on one facet. 



The cluster attribute of CategoryPath facets is now retained when the facet name is changed. 

New Features


The field boundaries can be overcome by combining the search fields. This significantly improves search performance in many cases. In addition, combined searches (e. g. brand/colour and category information) can be answered with more precise results without the disadvantage of storage-hungry combined fields. Field weightings are still taken into account as usual when using this search option, since the origin of the search words in a field is still known.  


The additional attribute useJoinedFieldSearch can be used to activate the merging of the search fields for each channel and database (search, Suggest).

<FFConfig version="...">
                <index-db ... useJoinedFieldSearch="true" />


<suggest-config version="...">
                <index-db ... useJoinedFieldSearch="true" />

An optimal field sequence of the searchable fields must be ensured. As far as possible, different contents which are not expected together in the search input should be placed next to each other.  Since, for example, category information is often combined with brand or color information, the field order should be the same. I. e. brands/colour field in front of the lowest category level field or vice versa. The person fields present in media shops (author, artist, performer, etc.) should therefore not be listed one after the other, as otherwise a given first name and surname in one or the other field can be counted as 100 % hits when searching for persons.

Version 7.2.1-0 – 7.2.1-16 (  –  )


Search Behaviour


When configuring a field for the feature "Similar products", it is now possible to define how the search results behave when there are multiple hits in a multivalue field. The setting is specified via the assignmentOperator attribute and can have the values or (OR operation) or and (AND operation). Default value is and.

<similarArticleAttributeField assignmentOperator="or">true</similarArticleAttributeField>

In addition, the logic now uses an exact search for fields that do not contain multiple values or are category paths.



Empty ProductEventData files are no longer persistent on the FACT-Finder page, as long as ProductEventData with data already existed before. In this way, gaps can be filled later as soon as the corresponding data is available. In addition, the generation of the ProductEventData is no longer linked to the presence of log files for a channel because they are not relevant. ProductEventData is only created on the basis of SCIC logs. 

Instore Ads


Keywords in InstoreAds campaigns now only compare the search term exactly, because the comparison with error tolerance has led to some miscarriages.

New Features



If updating missing DQ attributes is deactivated, the DQ server is no longer requested at all. 

UI: Management Interface


The UI application had increased considerably in file size with the release of 7.2. The structure has now been optimized so that the application is approximately the same size as in FACT-Finder 7.1.


Search Behaviour


A substring filter used in an old diagnostic search now also works in a new search.

After Search Navigation (ASN)


If the addFilterForSoleGroupEntry parameter is set, FACT-Finder adds a filter parameter if a facet contains only one entry. The implementation of this feature was inconsistent. The filter has been added to some items in the result, not all. It was possible that this filter may have disappeared when the user clicked on another filter or changed the sort order. This problem is now fixed.


Fixed errors that made the fields on the SuggestImport page disappear. 



Product event data for the recommender import are no longer downloaded at the time of import but by the What's Hot Quartzjob.



Users who see only a limited number of channels will no longer get error messages about missing channel permissions during the import.



7.2,7.3: An incorrectly configured Suggest Whitelist category entry now writes a more informative error message to the log. NG: Suggest whitelist category entries are now validated.



Due to an incorrect allocation of shopping cart events to search queries, not all searches could be included in the calculation of the conversion rate, so that the conversion rate could be 0 despite turnover. The allocation of shopping cart events to search queries has been corrected accordingly. 


Changed the size assignment of the Click Through Rate graphs in What's Hot Reports so that the graphs are now visible.



Analytics has in some cases forgotten values, causing the conversion rate to be calculated incorrectly. This has been fixed. 



An error in the creation of the What's Hot Reports no longer results in the generation of ProductEventData. WhatsHotQuartzJob also creates the ProductEventData first, and then the What's Hot Reports.


The export of the Analytics search term table now outputs the CTR in the same way as the table with two decimal places.



Analytics now returns a correct HttpResponse with error code 404 if a job does not exist. This allows FACT-Finder to then create a new job.. 



The BouncyCastle dependency has been reintroduced, as it is mandatory for the PDF export. For existing setups it is necessary to delete or update outdated BouncyCastle versions from the Tomcat/lib directory.

Campaign Manager


An empty search result with active filters no longer leads to an endless loading loop in DiagnosticSearch. In a cluster, active filters that did not belong to the top level of the cluster could not be deselected. This has been fixed. 

Campaign Manager


The fact that manual PushedProducts and PushedProducts lists reference different fields caused problems in the UI when displaying the campaign wizard. The presentation has been adjusted accordingly.  

Campaign Manager


If several questions and answers were created for consultant campaigns, it could happen that only the first newly created question/answer was adopted. This has been fixed.

Campaign Manager


Fixed a problem with triggering campaigns.

Campaign Manager


Campaigns may not have been triggered for certain criteria because filter fields of a category path have not been decoded correctly.

Campaign Manager


The HTML editor of the feedback texts is now used depending on the <isHtml> tag of the feedback text settings. If the tag is set to' true', the HTML editor can be used for editing. If it is set to false, all HTML options of the editor are deactivated and the user will find a simple text field.

Campaign Manager


The triggering of product detail campaigns now also works correctly for configurations where campaignProductNumber and displayProductNumber are different.

Campaign Manager


Advisor campaigns that contain a response consisting of blanks are invalid and cannot be created using the UI.

Campaign Manager

An error has been fixed, which deactivated the Next button on invalid entries in the Campaign Assistant. 

Campaign Manager


An error that caused the edited text to be replaced by "undefined" when changing the label of a feedback or campaign text was fixed. 

Campaign Manager


Added a new setting that allows you to decide whether the search result should contain the entire question/answer tree of advisor campaigns if a campaign is active. The setting is located in the and is called generateAdvisorTree. The default value is true and thus analogous to the previous behavior.

Campaign Manager

A filter directly on a multi-attribute field could in some cases lead to an infinite loop in the search interface. This has been fixed. 

Campaign Manager


SearchParams that contain CategoryPath filters as part of PushedProduct campaigns will work as expected again. 

Campaign Manager


The error message when an invalid combination of campaign type, criteria and PushedProducts mode is set has been improved. 

Campaign Manager

Campaigns without a defined start date can now also be deleted via the interface. 

Campaign Manager


A custom parameter within a criterion is now saved in the form custom: <parameter> to avoid naming conflicts with other parameter types.

7.2 and 7.3

For compatibility reasons, custom parameters are still accepted without the custom-prefix.

Campaign Manager


The error messages when using the AdvisorStatus incorrectly have been improved.

Campaign Manager


Campaigns that are to be displayed on the detail or shopping cart page and have selected "Field" as criteria are now correctly displayed even if the criterion field is not a search result field. Previously, such fields could not trigger campaigns. 

Recommendation Engine


The devaluation of recommendation relationships on a product detail page was often not successful until the second attempt. The devaluation now always takes place at the first attempt.

Recommendation Engine


Similar articles can now be found if the defined fields are excluded in the normal search return.

Installation Wizard / Migrator


Fixed a bug that caused fallback configuration to be ignored during campaign validation. For this reason, campaign validation could fail if no channel-specific configuration was available. 

Installation Wizard / Migrator


The cluster detection for numbered fields has been slightly modified. Fields without an attached number are now included in the cluster named after them. 

UI: Management Interface


If you try to delete a field that is equipped with a field role required for the in-store ads, you will get an error message that is visible to the user and indicates the corresponding circumstance.

UI: Management Interface


The button for deleting entries in the Suggest Blacklist was not visible and is now displayed correctly.

UI: Management Interface


If a filter has a RegExp attribute, it is displayed in the sort list of the filter configuration in addition to the field name.

UI: Management Interface

Fixed an error where manual inputs in the time selector were not accepted.

UI: Management Interface


The overview of thesaurus entries in the Analytics area that are active for a search term now only shows thesaurus entries that would actually be used in a search. Until now, terms that only contained the search term were displayed incorrectly. 

UI: Management Interface


Fixed a bug that prevented facets that depend on a multi-value facet from being opened for editing. 

UI: Management Interface


Dropdown menus grow with the content up to a certain size, making the content more easily visible. 

UI: Management Interface

Fixed bugs on the Diagnostic Search page that prevented the browser from going back to the previous page.

UI: Search


7.1, 7.2:

The information about the preferred sorting, which could be stored briefly in the users' preferences, is removed when users are imported, since it causes problems in the diagnostic search and is no longer supported.


For 7.3, the migrator removes any sorting preferences that may still exist, so that a FACT-Finder check can be omitted. 

UI: Search


Fixed a bug that caused the pager of the result table to report 0 results per page and integer. MAX_VALUE pages even though the table contained exactly one result when selecting a suggestion in the diagnostic search.

UI: Search


Obsolete trash entries are now displayed as unknown products in the UI and no longer lead to error messages.

UI: Search


The UI shows the correct facet names again if facet values are rewritten by callbacks.

UI: Search


Fixed a bug where the selection box in the ASN filters was displayed unnecessarily.

UI: Search


Due to problems with field value separation, it could happen that category comments were not displayed on the detail page of a product. This procedure has been revised accordingly. Furthermore, links from products could refer to blank pages by using a wrong ID. The ID used has been adjusted.  



The manual reloading of the databases, both via the user interface and via the corresponding API, caused an error if individual modules that do not have a database themselves (e. g. Recommendation Engine, Suggest) were not active.  



When saving the cache settings in the UI, placeholders in the main directory path of the cache were replaced by the values they represent. Corrected behavior so that placeholders in the main directory path are retained even after saving cache settings.



It was not possible to specify Unix timestamps for time-based ranking rules. The UI always indicated that the specified time stamp was empty. This error has been fixed.



The error messages in the UI, which are displayed due to an unavailable Analytics server, are now more informative and indicate the specific problem. 



The SecurityProvider is now initialized before the custom classes and is therefore available in the custom classes.  



When downloading export files, the HTTP user agent is now set to "factfinder/version" by default, whereby "version" is replaced by the current FACT-Finder version. In order not to set the HTTP user agent, the entry httpUserAgent= can be added to the



Reload of SeoTable should work as usual again.



The feature SimilarProducts and thus also the PushedProducts variant of the most popular articles now takes into account the set ranking rules..


Fixed a bug that prevented the addition of a category field as a campaign trigger in a product campaign.



An error that caused an error message to be displayed when closing unchanged transactions has been fixed.

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