Selecting Suggestion Types

FACT-Finder supports multiple suggest types. These decide from which areas the search suggestions are drawn.

The standard types are:

  • Product name
  • Manufacturer
  • Category
  • Search term

This chapter teaches you how to add new suggestion types and how to configure them and the standard types.

1. Open the General Suggest Settings

From the menu, select Suggest → General (1) to access the list of all currently used Suggestion Types (2)

The presets are productname, brand, category und searchTerm.

2. Add additional Suggestion Types as needed

Enter new suggestion types via the text field. You have to be in edit configuration mode to do so. 

Define which data and field entries are containend in the Suggest types during Suggest Import.

3. Adjust maximum Number of Suggestions

You can set a max number of suggestions for each type. If you don't need one type, set this number to 0.

4. Further Customisations (optional)

(1)Display preview images: Does your product data contain preview images? You can use them for suggest.

(2) Calculate exact number of results

Activating calculation of result numbers and displaying preview images is very resource intensive during suggest import. It should therefore not be performed during peak activity periods!

(3) Ignore missing Images

(4) Keep hit count from log

(5) Remove no match suggetions

(6) Fallback image URL: Set an iamge URL to be used, if no preview image is available.

5. Save Changes